OUR Portfolio
Between them, Brent and Kaydee have worked on over 30 projects ranging from independent living, assisted living, memory care, multi-family housing, office, retail, government, K-12 schools, higher education, and many other project types. Let us help you on your next project. We guarantee fewer headaches, fewer delays, and increased opportunities for savings.
Brightwater Senior Living/Riverbend Construction
Linden Pointe Independent Living — “The Residences” | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | Spring 2023 (anticipated)
Working in the capacity as an advisor (CMa) to the Owner-Builder, CoAct is actively assisting in the construction management of this project including reviewing design documents for constructability concerns, organizing and leading team meetings, reviewing Sub-contractor requests for information (RFIs), providing preliminary reviews of product and material submittals, participating in City communications, and assisting in the review of construction budgeting. Having previously worked with Brightwater for over six years as an Architectural Project Manager, CoAct is excited for the opportunity to work with the Canadian team again in this new capacity as a CMa. The expected completion date for “The Residences” is Spring of 2023, so stay tuned for more images of the project, as construction progresses.

Fluent Engineering
Confidential | Salem, OR | $750,000 | Fall 2020 | 10,000 SF
CoAct was hired by Fluent Engineering to provide Owner’s Project Representative (OPR) services for a confidential, out-of-state Client. CoAct assisted the Owner by helping to oversee the critical remodel of a local data room and its supporting spaces. The project was under a very tight timeline due to some of the Owner’s other contractual obligations, and so it was decided to fast-track the project by hiring a CMGC early on to assist the design team with budgeting, potential constructability issues, and to pre-order as much of the equipment/components as was possible in order to complete the project on time. Among other things, the project consisted of the replacement of two repurposed computer room air conditioners (CRACs) with two new, high-efficiency CRACs, the replacement of the existing high-capacity uninterruptable power supply (UPS) with a new, custom-sized UPS, the replacement of the existing emergency backup power generator (EPG) with a new, size-appropriate EPG (complete with a load bank), and the replacement of the existing automatic transfer switch (ATS) with a new, conveniently-located ATS.
CoAct’s OPR services included reviewing the design documents for constructability concerns, organizing and leading team meetings, providing preliminary reviews of Contractor requests for information (RFIs) & product/material submittals, participating in City communications, completing/documenting no less than one construction site visit per week, and providing regular Weekly Update reports informing the Owner of the design and construction progress. CoAct began services just prior to 2020’s COVID outbreak, with the original intention of reducing the Owner’s need to make regular trips to Oregon. However, CoAct’s services became crucial after the COVID outbreak because of the travel restrictions that occurred during that time. In the end, the project was completed on-time, under budget, and with few headaches.